The story of Koshin begins in post-war Japan in 1948, when the economy in the devastated country began to revive and numerous brands symbolising Japanese quality appeared: Kawasaki, Komatzu, Yamaha and many others. The most beautiful city in Japan, old Kyoto became the birthplace of the world famous manufacturer of the most robust pumps in the world. For more than 50 years Koshin has been working with the following partners such as the famous manufacturers of engines and pumps Mitsubishi, Robin-Subaru, Yanmar, Kawasaki, Zenoah-Komatzu and Honda.
"We want to make things easier and more convenient, solve the world's problems with technology, provide a lifestyle fuller and кomfortable, and contribute to a better social infrastructure." Koshin's message.
We want to be a company that offers new value through products and services that are needed by our customers, which we create ourselves. With a major emphasis on pumps, our core technology that we have perfected for 70 years, we will focus on the value needed in each location or market. We will listen to the voice of the customer and challenge ourselves to provide high quality, sophisticated products and services through world-class Japanese technology and efficient craftsmanship, suitable for the applications where they are used."
Koshin is the most robust pump in the world! EES GmbH is proud to be the authorised dealer of Koshin pumps.
This year we celebrate 20 years of close cooperation between the two teams of EES GmbH and Koshin. The main market was initially the CIS countries and EES was first given exclusive distribution to Russia. During this time, more than 20,000 Koshin motor pumps were sold and the brand became known in all corners of the vast territory of the CIS states. Building on our success, in 2010 EES GmbH became EXCLUSIVE distributor for the German speaking countries DACH: Germany, Austria (Austria) and Switzerland (CH). Today Koshin pumps are loved not only in DACH and CIS countries, but also in 160 countries around the world. The main applications of these legendary reliable pumps are construction sites, agriculture and fire fighting. Also due to their reliability, their use for rental is also very popular.
To further assure our valued customers that Koshin actively supports our products, we have provided a 3-year limited warranty against certain quality defects.