Winter is over! It’s a time to prepare your KOSHIN pump for everyday use… However, frost and rust, or age, or something else have spoiled pumps performance or destroyed your small water friend. That is not a problem!
Read a little following:
The principle of work and the design of these pumps are very simple. Under the influence of the engine, the pump shaft performs rotational motions. The pump case consists of a Flange bracket mounted on the engine, to which Pump casing is attached. Inside pump casing before Suction Flange formed an area of discharge (vacuum). The Impeller on the engine shaft receives water going in an axial direction through Suction Flange, mounted on the entrance hole of Pump casing. To prevent water leakage from the Pumping case in a non-working state and to maintain the motor pump in readiness for the next launch between Suction flange and Pump case, a check valve is installed. Impeller blades allow you to move the pumped water in a radial direction. Due to this, the water is used by centrifugal force, which provides an increase in pressure and the speed of its movement. This principle of work and allowed to name the pumps centrifugal self-priming. After passing through the Impeller blades, the pumped water accumulates in Volute casing, which has a spiral-shaped Volute. This slows down the water flow and converts the energy that affects the increase in water pressure in Delivery Flange. Suction and Delivery Flanges have a thread to connect The Coupling Sets, which are attached to hoses. The coupling set consists of Hose nipple or Hose Tale, coupling packing, coupling and hose band. The efficiency of the pump depends on its tightness. To do this, the rotating engine shaft separates from the stationary Flange bracket through the Mechanical seal. The O-ring case is set for tightness between Flange bracket and Pump casing, while the O-ring volute between Volute casing and Pump casing. Delivery Flange Packing or Gasket prevents leaks in the pressure channel. The Impeller is attached to the engine shaft and its axial position in relation to the Flange bracket is adjusted by the number of Impeller adjusting washers. Water filling Pump casing is done through the upper pouring hole in Delivery Flange closed Filler bung; emptying through the lower drainage hole in the Pump casing closed Drain bung. On Trash there is also a third hole for cleaning the pump also closed Plug set.
Look at the body of your pump and take correct parts-list according your model from
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